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Losartan generic price and a "more competitive" price for the brand name, which has not been losartan price australia officially reported. The move came just a few days after an article published to Dr. Schulz's social media accounts about a new product she was testing, which said were derived from an active ingredient of "an known to reduce pain in people with losartan generic price type 1 diabetes." In the article, Dr. Schulz said she had "tried it with my husband (who is diabetic) at a local cafe, and it wasn't as effective they claim it was." She says the price of new formula that has been labeled "generic" cut at least 25 percent. The story was quickly picked up and posted on numerous medical, medical technology and health tech sites. An "outrageous price gouging from a major health care provider for a potentially life saving insulin" could be found through many websites and "health technology" blogs. Dr. Schulz then shared with several people pages from an official medical database for insulin, as well an image from a manufacturer's website. "It looks like a generic version," said David Pomerantz, a pharmacist professor at New York University who had no knowledge on owns the website or its content. After the uproar started to mount, Schulz's Facebook account was temporarily drugstore primer australia disabled and the account was taken down after she shared with her own Facebook followers links that revealed the website was owned by same company that she had initially used for testing her new formulation. Dr. Schulz said her website had been hacked. "The site was hacked to show a fraudulent statement that the company was charging less than the generic for same product because of a new, exclusive, proprietary formulation," she said. "I am trying to clear my name now that personal information is out there in the wild." Although the website's site went to a more secure version with login that only included an American phone number, Dr. Schulz was unable to log Losartan 20mg $36.94 - $1.23 Per pill in, and that's when the site was removed. She said had a long discussion with her insurance company after the website was taken down. "The insurance company told me they would pay the claim immediately if website was restored. We were able to work it out with the insu